001 A Good Ride Home – Acts 8
015 Paul - The Damascus Road – Acts 9
016 Paul - The Baptism of Saul - Acts 9
017 Paul - Saul Preaches Christ - Acts 9
018 Paul – The Conversion of Sergius Paulus – Acts 13
019 Paul – The Sermon at Antioch - Part 1 - Acts 13
020 Paul – The Sermon at Antioch - Part 2 - Acts 13
021 Paul – Preaching at Iconium and Lystra – Acts 14
022 Paul – Stoned and Left for Dead – Acts 14
023 Paul – Conflict Over Circumcision Part 1 – Acts 15
024 Paul – Conflict Over Circumcision Part 2 – Acts 15
026 Paul - Timothy and the Macedonian Call - Acts 16
027 Paul – Imprisoned at Philippi Part 1– Acts 16
028 Paul – Imprisoned at Philippi Part 2– Acts 16
029 Paul – Imprisoned at Philippi Part 3– Acts 16
030 Paul – Thessalonica to Berea – Acts 17
031 Paul – Preaching in Athens – Acts 17
032 Paul - Corinth to Antioch – Acts 18
033 Paul – Time in Ephesus – Acts 19
034 Paul - The Uproar at Ephesus – Acts 19
035 Paul - Saints and Elders - Acts 20
036 Paul - Journey to Jerusalem - Acts 21
037 Paul - Arrest and Defense in Jerusalem - Acts 21-22
038 Paul - Appearance before the Sanhedrin Council – Acts 23
039 Paul – Felix, Festus, and King Agrippa – Acts 24-26
040 Paul – The Voyage to Rome – Acts 27
041 Paul – Arrival and Ministry at Rome – Acts 28

Basic Christianity - STUDY GUIDES INCLUDED
000 Basic Christianity Class Curriculum
001 Basic Christianity – Lesson 1 - Motivation to Grow
001 Basic Christianity – Lesson 1 - Motivation to Grow Guide
002 Basic Christianity – Lesson 2 - Reaffirm My Salvation
002 Basic Christianity – Lesson 2 - Reaffirm My Salvation Guide
003 Basic Christianity – Lesson 3 - More About Baptism
003 Basic Christianity – Lesson 3 - More About Baptism Guide
004 Basic Christianity – Lesson 4 - The Christian and the Church
004 Basic Christianity – Lesson 4 - The Christian and the Church Guide
005 Basic Christianity - Lesson 5 - Worship of the Church
005 Basic Christianity - Lesson 5 - Worship of the Church Guide
006 Basic Christianity - Lesson 6 - Organization of the Church
006 Basic Christianity - Lesson 6 - Organization of the Church Guide
007 Basic Christianity - Lesson 7 - Work of the Church
007 Basic Christianity - Lesson 7 - Work of the Church Guide
008 Basic Christianity – Lesson 8 - Unity and Diversity of the Church
008 Basic Christianity – Lesson 8 - Unity and Diversity of the Church Guide
009 Basic Christianity - Lesson 9 - More Jewels from James
009 Basic Christianity – Lesson 9 - More Jewels from James Guide
010 Basic Christianity – Lesson 10 - Living for Christ
010 Basic Christianity - Lesson 10 - Living for Christ Guide

Bible Characters
002 The Apostle Peter - Mark 3
003 The Story of Naaman - 2 Kings 5
004 Gehazi’s Greed - 2 Kings 5
005 Elijah the Tishbite - 1 Kings 17
006 Elijah and the Widow – 1 Kings 17
007 Elijah and the Prophets of Baal - 1 Kings 18
008 Elijah Escapes from Jezebel - 1 King 19
009 Elijah - The Downfall of King Ahab – 1 Kings 20-21
010 Elijah – God Condemns Ahaziah – 2 Kings 1
011 Elijah Ascends to Heaven - 2 Kings 2
012 God Works through Elisha – 2 Kings 4
013 Elisha and the Lost Ax Head - 2 Kings 6
014 Four Samaritan Lepers – 2 Kings 6-7
015 Noah – A Father of Faithfulness – Hebrews 11

Christian Character
Christian Character - Benefits of Positive Change - James 1-5
Christian Character - Deadly Whispers – Gossip
Christian Character - Show a Little Kindness
Christian Character - The New Man - Colossians 3
Christian Character - A Blessing in the Workplace - Part 1
Christian Character - A Blessing in the Workplace - Part 2
Christian Character - Let This Mind Be in You - Phil 2
Christian Growth - 2 Peter 1

The Church
001 The Church - A Biblical Definition
002 The Church – A Great Beginning - Part 1
003 The Church – A Great Beginning – Part 2
004 The Church and its Relationship with Christ - Part 1
005 The Church and its Relationship with Christ - Part 2
006 Four Blessings Found in the Church
006a The Compromising Church - Rev 2
007 Are Hard Times Coming for the Church - Revelation 2
008 The Importance of Good Church Leadership
009 The Successful Congregation – Ephesians 4
010 Qualifications for Elders and Deacons - 1 Tim 3
Distinctive Characteristics of the Church of Christ
The Church - An Exclusive Membership - 1 Peter 2

001 Colossians - An Introduction to the Letter
002 Into the Kingdom - Colossian 1
003 The Image of the Invisible God – Colossians 1
004 Reconciled in Christ – Colossians 1
005 For the Sake of the Church - Colossians 1
006 The Problem with Isms – Colossians 2
007 Not Legalism but Christ – Colossians 2
008 Raised with Christ– Colossians 3
009 The Christian Home – Colossians 3
010 Master and Servant Relationships – Colossians 3
011 Three Exhortations – Colossians 4
The Highlighted Bible - Colossians 1
The Highlighted Bible - Colossians 2
The Highlighted Bible - Colossians 3
The Highlighted Bible - Colossians 3-4

Construction in Progress Series
001 Construction in Progress - Building Faith
002 Construction in Progress - Building Trust
003 Construction in Progress - Building Hope
004 Construction in Progress - Building Love
005 Construction in Progress - Building Desire
006 Construction in Progress - Building Patience
007 Construction in Progress - Building Walls
008 Construction in Progress - Building Enthusiasm
009 Construction in Progress - Building Confidence
010 Construction in Progress - Building Relationships
011 Construction in Progress - Building Bridges
012 Construction in Progress - Building Joy

1 Corinthians
01 The Spiritual Gifts of Corinth; 1 Corinthians 1
02 The Divided Church - 1 Corinthians 1
03 The Message of the Cross - 1 Corinthians 1
04 The Poor Preacher - 1 Corinthians 2
05 The Things Which God has Prepared - 1 Corinthians 2
06 The Revelation of the Holy Spirit - 1 Corinthians 2
07 Babes in Christ - 1 Corinthians 3
08 No Other Foundation - 1 Corinthians 3
09 The Arrogance Problem - 1 Corinthians 4
010 The Immorality Problem; 1 Corinthians 5
011 Don’t Sue Your Brother – 1 Corinthians 6
012 The Intimate Sin - 1 Corinthians 6
013 Principles of Marriage - 1 Corinthians 7
014 Principles of Marriage - Part 2 - 1 Corinthians 7
015 The Nothingness of Idols - 1 Corinthians 8
016 My Brother’s Conscience - 1 Corinthians 8
017 All Things to All Men - 1 Corinthians 9
018 Can I Be Disqualified – 1 Corinthians 9
019 Fair Warning - Temptation - 1 Corinthians 10
020 Covering Up - 1 Corinthians 11
021 Conduct at the Lord's Supper - 1 Corinthians 11
022 Institution of the Lord’s Supper - 1 Corinthians 11
023 Self-Examination during the Lord’s Supper - 1 Corinthians 11
023A The Lord's Supper Review - 1 Corinthians 11
024 The Diversity of Spiritual Gifts - 1 Corinthians 12
025 The Unity and Diversity in One Body - 1 Corinthians 12
026 A More Excellent Way – 1 Corinthians 13
027 The Greatest of These - 1 Corinthians 13
028 The Benefits of Spiritual Teaching - 1 Corinthians 14
029 Decently and in Order – 1 Corinthians 14
030 The Condensed Gospel - 1 Corinthians 15
030a The Gospel in Which You Stand - 1 Corinthians 15
031 Hope in the Risen Christ – 1 Corinthians 15
032 The Glorious Resurrected Body – 1 Corinthians 15
033 The Collection - 1 Corinthians 16

2 Corinthians
01 The God of Comfort – 2 Corinthians 1
02 The Forgiving Church - 2 Corinthians 2
03 Letters of Commendation – 2 Corinthians 3
04 The Invisible Man – 2 Corinthians 4
05 Reconciled to God – 2 Corinthians 5
06 Five Questions for the Believer – 2 Corinthians 6
07 Repentance in Action – 2 Corinthians 7
08 The Poverty of Christ – 2 Corinthians 8
09 The Giving Church 0 2 Corinthians 9
010 The Good Looking Christian – 2 Corinthian 10
011 Suffering for Christ - 2 Corinthians 11
012 Just a Glimpse of Heaven - 2 Corinthians 12
013 Am I in the Faith – 2 Corinthians 13
014 Parting Words - A Summary of 2 Corinthians

Discipleship - A Tree Planted by the Water - Psalm 1
Discipleship -The Cost of Discipleship - Luke 9
Discipleship - Going the 2nd Mile - Matthew 5
Discipleship - Is Persecution Near?
Discipleship - Let Us Lay Aside Every Weight - Hebrews 12
Discipleship - Sent to Serve - Mark 6:7-12
Discipleship - Six Things Money Can’t Buy
Discipleship - Sleepy Christians - Acts 20:7-12
Discipleship - Tired Christians - Matthew 11-28

001 A Meaningless Life – Ecclesiastes 1
002 The Vanity of Pleasure – Ecclesiastes 2
003 A Time for Everything – Ecclesiastes 3
004 Man’s God-Given Task – Ecclesiastes 3
005 The Power of Plurality - Ecclesiastes 4
006 Keeping My Promise to God – Ecclesiastes 5
007 The Value of a Good Reputation – Ecclesiastes 7
008 The War Against Worry - Ecclesiastes 8
009 The Superiority of Wisdom – Ecclesiastes 9
009a Living Dogs or Dead Lions – Ecclesiastes 9
010 The Words of a Fool – Ecclesiastes 10
011 The Benefits of Benevolence – Ecclesiastes 11
012 In the Days of Your Youth – Ecclesiastes 12
013 The Whole Duty of Man - Ecclesiastes 12

Emotions During Crisis Series
01 Emotions During Times of Crisis - Faith
02 Emotions During Times of Crisis - Worry
03 Emotions During Times of Crisis - Anger
04 Emotions During Times of Crisis - Blame

The Highlighted Bible – Ephesians 1
The Highlighted Bible - Ephesians 2
The Highlighted Bible - Ephesians 3
The Highlighted Bible - Ephesians 4
The Highlighted Bible - Ephesians 5
The Highlighted Bible – Ephesians 6

Evangelism - Bringing Others to Jesus - Mark 2:1-12
Evangelistic Christianity - Fill-in the Blank Study

The Four Elements Series
01 The Four Elements - Earth
02 The Four Elements - Water
03 The Four Elements - Air
04 The Four Elements - Fire

001 No Other Gospel – Galatians 1
002 Not According to Man – Galatians 1
003 Don’t Play the Hypocrite - Galatians 2
004 The Tutor – Galatians 3
005 No Longer Strangers – Galatians 4
006 The Fulfillment of the Law – Galatians 5
007 Walking in the Spirit – Galatians 5
008 Bear One Another’s Burdens - Galatians 6
009 Christian Generosity - Galatians 6
The Highlighted Bible - Galatians 1
The Highlighted Bible - Galatians 5

General Topics
001 All Things New - New Testament Topics
002 Biblical Authority - New Testament Topics
003 The Indescribable Gift - New Testament Topics
004 The Cure for America - Rom 12-14 - New Testament Topics
005 Curing the Hardened Heart - Mark 2 - New Testament Topics
006 Spiritual Education - New Testament Topics
007 In the Shelter of His Arms - General Studies
008 What I Learned in Quarantine - General Studies
009 Getting Ready for Jesus - New Testament Topics
010 Biblical Love - New Testament Topics
011 The Promises of John 14 - New Testament Topics
012 Biblical Gifts - General Studies
013 Blessed Be the Name of God - Daniel 2
014 Reactions to the Bell Ringer (Benevolence) - 1 John 3
015 Serving Our Families Wisely; Exodus 2
016 You Can’t Change the Weather – Genesis 8
017 Our Rewarding God - Hebrews 11
018 A Biblical Romance - Genesis 29
019 Our Rewarding God - Hebrews 11
020 The Letter to the Elect Lady - 2 John
021 The Godly Father - Proverbs 4
022 The Christian’s View - YOLO (You Only Live Once)
023 I Have Been Set Free! - 1 Corinthians 10
024 An Honorable Pathway – Hebrews 13
025 The Blessing of Fellowship – Acts 2
026 The Christian’s Civic Duty - Romans 13
027 Jesus Loves Me - John 13
028 A Service of Thanksgiving
029 How Bright Is Your Light - Christian example
030 After the Thrill is Gone - New Converts
031 Learning, Living and Looking Forward – Philippians 3
032 The Relationships of Believers – John 15
033 Keeping Our Lord's Commands
034 What about the Devil - Satan
035 The Little Big Word - Study of the Word IF
036 Great Mothers of the Bible - Mother’s Day
037 A Day to Remember – Memorial Day - 1 John 3
038 Three Fathers of the Bible - Father's Day
039 Singing with Grace in Your Heart - Colossians 3
040 Is My Soul for Sale - Matthew 16
041 Sold Out - Falling Away
042 The Value of a Soul
043 Mothers in Christ – Matthew 12
044 The Author of Confusion – 1 Corinthians 14
045 Holiness That Isn't - Luke 11
046 The Necessity of Fatherhood
047 Bear and Share Your Burdens – Galatians 6
048 Things You Will Never Do in Heaven
049 Can He Depend on You – Luke 17
050 Give a Kid a Chance - 2 Timothy 3
051 Lord Make Me a Servant
052 Hands of Compassion
053 If You Love Me - John 14
054 The Wrong Type of Love
055 No One Can See Me – Isaiah 47

001 In a Word - Compassion - Psalm 86
001 In a Word - Compassion – Psalm 86 - Guide
002 In a Word - Contentment – 1 Timothy 6
002 In a Word - Contentment – 1 Timothy 6 - Guide
003 In a Word - Walk - Ephesians 4
003 In a Word - Walk - Ephesians 4 - Guide
004 In a Word - Edification - Rom 15
004 In a Word - Edification - Rom 15 - Guide
005 In a Word - Benevolence - Proverbs 9
005 In a Word - Benevolence - Prov 9 - Guide
006 In a Word - Renew - Rom 12
006 In a Word - Renew - Rom 12 - Guide
007 In a Word - Hope
007 In a Word - Hope - Guide
008 In a Word - Self-Control
008 In a Word - Self-Control - Guide
009 In a Word - Believe - Acts 16
009 In a Word - Believe - Acts 16 - Guide
010 In a Word - Abide - John 8
010 In a Word - Abide - John 8 Guide
011 In a Word - Rain - Matt 5
011 In a Word - Rain - Matt 5 Guide
012 In a Word - Sanctify - John 17
012 In a Word - Sanctify - John 17 Guide
013 In a Word - Admonish - Rom 15
013 In a Word - Admonish - Rom 15 Guide
014 In a Word - Zealous - Prov 23
014 In a Word - Zealous - Prov 23 Guide
015 In a Word - Gift
015 In a Word - Gift Guide
016 In a Word - Time
016 In a Word - Time - Guide
017 In a Word - Self-Sacrifice - Hebrews 13
017 In a Word - Self-Sacrifice - Hebrews 13 Guide
018 In a Word - Darkness
018 In a Word - Darkness Guide
019 In a Word - Building
019 In a Word - Building - Guide

Jesus Christ
Beware the Pharisees; Matthew 23
Christ - A Risen Savior - Matthew 28
Christ Heals the Nobleman’s Son – John 4
Christ is Coming; Luke 3
If You Love Me - John 14
In the Likeness of Jesus – 1 Peter 2
Jesus Mighty Miracles
Jesus – The Great Physician – Mark 2
Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus - Matthew 14
Passion for Christ – Matthew 26 - Anointing of Jesus
The Humanity of Jesus Christ
Three Days - 1 Peter
What if Christ Did Not Rise? - 1 Corinthians 15
When Jesus Prayed for Us – John 17
When Jesus Prayed for Us – John 17 - Guide
Words That Followed the Resurrection - John 20
Just One Hour - Matthew 26
001 His Name Shall be Called Wonderful – Isaiah 9
002 His Name Shall be Called Counselor – Isaiah 9
003 His Name Shall be Called Mighty God - Isaiah 9
004 His Name Shall be Called Everlasting Father – Isaiah 9
005 His Name Shall be Called Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9
001 The Challenged Christ -The Paralytic Healed – Mark 2

001 Job and His Family in Uz
002 Satan Attacks Job’s Character
003 Job - Job Loses His Family and Possessions
004 Job - Satan Attacks Job’s Health
005 Job - Three Friends and Job’s Mourning
006 Job - First Accusations Against Job
007 Job - Second Accusations Against Job
008 Job – Third Accusations Against Job
009 Job - A Fourth Friend Addresses Job
010 Job - The Lord Speaks to Job
011 Job - The Lord Speaks and Restores Job

01 Contending for the Faith - Jude 3

001 When a Nation Leaves God - Judges 2
002 Living in a Right-Hand World - Judges 3
003 I Will Not Go Alone – Judges 4
004 You Can Run But You Can’t Hide – Judges 4
005 The Lord is With You – Judges 6
006 Tear Down Your Alters - Judges 6
007 Asking God for a Sign - Judges 6
008 God Chooses an Army - Judges 7
009 When I Am Afraid - Judges 7
010 Three Hundred Strong - Judges 7
011 Samson and the Nazarite Vow - Judges 13
012 Loose Lips and Itching Ears - Judges 14
013 Foxes, Fire, and a Donkey Jaw – Judges 15
014 Samson and Delilah - Judges 16

001 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapters 1-2
002 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapters 3-4
003 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 4 Temptation of Jesus
004 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 4 Jesus Ministry Begins
005 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 5 The Beatitudes
006 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 5: 13-26
007 The Gospel of Matthew 5: 27 37
008 The Gospel of Matthew_ Chapter 5 - 38-42
009 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 5 -43-48
010 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 6 - 1-8
011 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 6 - 9-15
012 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 6 - 16-21
013 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 6 -19-27
014 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 7 1-5
015 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 7 6-12
016 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 7 - 13-20
017 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 7 - 20-29
018 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 8 -1-10
019 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 8 - 10-22
020 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 8 - 18-22
021 The Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 8 - 23-27
022 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 8 - 28-33
023 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 9 - 1-8
024 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 9 - 9-13
025 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 9 - 10-24
026 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 9 - 23-34
027 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 10 -21-42
028 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 11 -1-11
029 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 11 -11-19
030 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 11 - 20-19
031 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 12 - 1-25
032 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 12 - 26-45
034 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 13 -16-23
035 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 13 - 24-32
036 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 13 - 31-58
037 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 14 - 1-33
038 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 15 - 1-9
039 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 15 - 10-14
040 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 15 - 15-20
041 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 15 - 21-28
042 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 15 - 29-39
043 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 16 - 1-12
044 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 16 - 13-20
045 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 16 - 21-28
046 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 17 - 1-12
047 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 17 - 14-27
048 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 18 - 1-5
049 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 18 - 6-9
050 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 18 - 10-14
051 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 18 - 15-20
052 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 18 - 21-35
053 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 19 - 1-10
054 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 19 - 11-15
055 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 19 - 16-30
056 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 20 - 1-33
057 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 21
058 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 22 - 1-14
059 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 22 - 15-46
060 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 23
061 The Gospel of Matthew Chapters 23 24
062 The Gospel of Matthew Chapters 24 25
063 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 26 -1-30
064 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 26 -30-75
The Highlighted Bible - Matthew 4
The Highlighted Bible - Matthew 10

Old Testament Topics
001 The Feast of Unleavened Bread - Old Testament Topics
002 Accountability - The Fall of Mankind - Genesis 3

The Character of God
001 The Severity of God – Romans 11
002 God is Love – 1 John 4
003 He Knows When You Are Sleeping - Proverbs 15

The Parables of Jesus
The Parables - The Lost Sheep - Luke 15
The Parables - Becoming the Unfaithful Son - Luke 15
The Parables - The Parables of Matthew 25
The Parables - The Great Supper - Luke 14
The Parables – The Good Samaritan – Luke 10
The Parables - The Ten Virgins - Matthew 25

1 Peter
The Highlighted Bible – 1 Peter 1
The Highlighted Bible - 1 Peter 2
The Highlighted Bible - 1 Peter 3
The Highlighted Bible – 1 Peter 4
The Highlighted Bible – 1 Peter 5

2 Peter
01 One Thing Leads to Another - 2 Peter 1
02 One Thing Leads to Another – 2 Peter 1 - Part 2

01 Do You Know Philemon?
02 Relationships in Christ – Philemon 1-3
03 Philemon’s Love and Faith – Philemon 4-7
04 A Plea for a Slave – Philemon 8-16
05 Blessed are the Obedient – Philemon 17-22

The Letter of Philippians Overview
The Highlighted Bible - Philippians 1

The Prophets
001 An Overview of the Prophets - Part 1
001 An Overview of the Prophets - Part 2
002 The Prophets - Isaiah - Part 1
002 The Prophets - Isaiah - Part 2
002 The Prophets - Isaiah - Part 3
002 The Prophets - Isaiah - Part 4
002 The Prophets - Isaiah - Part 5
002 The Prophets - Isaiah - Part 6

01 The Beginning of Knowledge - Proverbs 1
02 The Call of Wisdom - Proverbs 1
02A The Path I Will Choose – Proverbs 3
03 Seven Things the Lord Hates -Part 1 - Proverbs 6
04 Seven Things the Lord Hates - Part 2 - Proverbs 6
05 Keep His Word Close - Proverbs 7
06 Profile of a Wicked Person - Proverbs 6
The Sin of Pride - Proverbs 16

The Psalms
004 The Safety of the Faithful - Psalm 4
008 O Lord How Excellent is Your Name – Psalm 8
019 What God’s Word Does for Me – Psalm 19
023 The Lord is My Shepherd - Psalm 23
023 The Lord is My Shepherd - 2 - Psalm 23
057 Sheltering in God's Place - Psalm 57
073 When I Envy the Unrighteous – Psalm 73
117 Praise Ye the Lord – Psalm 117
119 The Excellence of God’s Word - Psalm 119
136 Oh Give Thanks to the Lord – Psalm 136
145 A Song of God’s Majesty and Love – Psalm 145

01 I Am Not Ashamed - Romans 1
002 The Righteous Judgment of God – Romans 2
003 Lawless - Romans 2
004 A Demonstration of Love - Romans 5
005 Dead to Sin Alive in Christ - Romans 6
006 From Slaves of Sin to Slaves of God - Romans 6
007 I Didn’t Want to Do It but I Did - Romans 7
008 Christians - Who We Are - Romans 8
009 Seven Questions – Romans 8
010 Standing Against the Almighty God - Romans 9
011 Making the Good Confession - Romans 10
012 The Unsearchable Ways of God - Romans 11
013 What Have I Given to the Lord - Romans 12
014 Three Ingredients of the Christian Character - Romans 12
015 Submitting to the Government - Romans 13
016 Love Your Neighbor - Romans 13
017 The Time is Now - Romans 13
018 The Law of Liberty - Romans 14
018a The Trouble with Holidays – Rom 14
019 The Law of Conscience - Rom 14
020 Bear Another’s Burdens - Romans 15
021 Let’s Glorify God Together - Romans 15
022 Things Preachers Should Do - Romans 15
023 The Holy Kiss - Romans 16

1 Thessalonians
001 The Exemplified Church – 1 Thessalonians 1
002 The Preacher’s Conduct – 1 Thessalonians 2
003 The Church Under Pressure – 1 Thessalonians 3
004 A Plea for Purity – 1 Thessalonians 4
005 Living a Quiet Life - 1 Thessalonians 4
006 The Comfort of Christ’s Coming – 1 Thessalonians 4
007 Will He Find You Watching – 1 Thessalonians 5
008 Exhortations Admonitions with Blessings – 1 Thessalonians 5
The Highlighted Bible – 1 Thessalonians 1
The Highlighted Bible - 1 Thessalonians 2
An Orderly Life - 1 Thessalonians 4
The Highlighted Bible - 1 Thessalonians 5

2 Thessalonians
The Highlighted Bible - 2 Thessalonians 3
001 The Problem of Human Suffering - 2 Thessalonians 1
002 The Righteous Judgment of God – 2 Thessalonians 1
003 In the Meantime – 2 Thessalonians 2
004 Stand Fast and Hold On - 2 Thessalonians 2
005 Three Times Encouraged – 2 Thessalonians 3
006 The Sin of Idleness – 2 Thessalonians 3

1 Timothy
The Highlighted Bible - 1 Timothy 1
The Highlighted Bible - 1 Timothy 2
The Highlighted Bible - 1 Timothy 4
How to Be Truly Rich – 1 Timothy 6

2 Timothy
A Worker Not Ashamed - 2 Timothy 2

002 Qualities of a Sound Church – Titus 2
003 The Christian Graces of Titus 3

The Sermon on the Mount
Sermon on the Mount - Biblical Eye Drops - Matthew 7
002 Sermon on the Mount - A Rule of Gold - Luke 6
003 Sermon on the Mount - A Rule of Gold - Luke 6 - Part 2

Worship in Song
001 Our God He is Alive
002 Jesus Loves Me