0215 The Wickedness of Pride - Subject - Pride Month
0214 An Important Mission - Subject - Mission Support
0213 The Importance of Fathers - Subject - Fatherhood
0212 Praying for Wisdom - Subject - Wisdom
0211 The Forgotten Fruit - Subject - Gentleness
0210 Bearing Fruit - Subject - Christian Duty
0209 Caring for the Fatherless - Subject - Fatherlessness
0208 Take Care of Your Mother - Subject - Mother's Day
0207 In the Pursuit of Happiness - Subject - Life Pursuit
0206 Sunshine People - Subject - Positive Attitude
0205 Working in the Vineyard - Subject - Service
0204 Me Myself and I - Subject - Selfishness
0203 Silence is Not Always Golden - Subject - Children
0202 The Folded Handkerchief - Subject - Jesus Resurrection
0201 Appearances Do Matter - Subject - Public Example
0200 Strangers in Your Country - Subject - Misuse of Scripture
0199 You Shall Never Fall - Subject - Standing Fast in Christ
0198 You Know Better Than That - Subject - Bad Decisions
0197 The Air That I Breathe - Separation from God
0196 Holding to the Traditions - Subject - 2 Thessalonians 3-15
0195 To Catch a Thief - Subject - 2nd Coming of Christ
0194 Who is My Neighbor? - Subject - Benevolence
0193 Putting Jesus Back in the Box - Subject - Spiritual Neglect
0192 The Everlasting Name of Jesus Christ - Subject - Name of Christ
0191 The Greatest Gifts - Subject - Gifts from God
0190 Why We Don’t Need a Nativity Scene - Subject - Christmas
0189 A Nation Under Attack - Subject - Satan's Attack
0188 Thanksgiving in the Bible - Subject - Thanksgiving Holiday
0187 Let the Deacons Serve Well - Subject - Deacons
0186 Heading in the Right Direction - Subject - Christian Character
0185 Loan Me a Dime - Subject - Indebtedness
0184 Droopy Christians - Subject - God's Discipline
0183 Hog Trouble - Subject - Sin
0182 The Necessity of Discipline - Subject - Discipline Defined
0181 The Dying Leaf - Subject - Christian’s End of Life
0180 The Problem with Envy - Subject - Envy
0179 Are Kid’s Sports Satan’s New Device - Subject - Distraction
0178 The Great Invitation - Subject - Gospel Call
0177 The High Cost of Healthcare - Subject - Blood of Christ
0176 Pull Them Up - Subject - Supporting the Weak
0175 Why More Elders and Deacons - Subject - Church Leadership
0174 Get a Move On - Subject - Active Faith
0173 Considering the Shepherd - Subject - Selecting Elders
0172 Can America Be Restored - Subject - Fallen Nations
0171 Truly the World’s Greatest Dad - Father's Day
0170 A Vacation from Jesus - Forsaking the Assembly
0169 Four Letter Words in the Bible - Subject - Word Study
0168 The Demise of the Sunday Night Service - Subject - Attendance
0167 Where Should We Go for Lunch - Subject - Distraction
0166 Gopher Holes - Subject - Drifting
0165 An Action-Packed Faith - Subject - Faith and Works
0164 What Shall I Do - Subject - Gospel Obedience
0163 Do We Need Easter? - Subject - Easter
0162 Who Did You Pray For - Subject - Prayer Life
0161 The Walking Stick - Subject - Comfort from the Scriptures
0160 Jesus Yes Church No - Subject - Christ and His Church
0159 Is There a Perfect Church - Ephesians 5
0158 A Sympathizing Savior - Subject - Hebrews 4_15
0156 You Don’t Need a Miracle - Subject - Words of Christ
0155 It’s Your Responsibility - Subject - Responsibility
0154 A New Beginning - Subject - New Year
0153 Discount Christianity - Subject - Commitment
0152 Are We Salty Enough - Subject - Salt of the Earth
0151 What Do I Owe the Lord - Subject - Indebtedness
0150 A Tenth of Gratitude - Subject - Thanksgiving
0149 Separate But Together - Subject - Partiality
0148 The Enduring Word – Subject – Longevity of the Bible
0147 Let’s Go Fishing - Subject - Evangelism
0146 He Healed Them All - Subject - Healing Power of Jesus
0145 The Autumn Years - Subject - The Word Time in the Bible
0144 Strange Words - Subject - Teaching the Unlearned
0143 In a Spirit of Gentleness - Subject - Bringing Back the Wayward
0142 Like A Thief - Subject - The Second Coming
0141 Lord, Won’t You Buy Me a Mercedes Benz - Subject - Materialism
0140 Truly Blessed, Truly Rich, Truly Saved - Subject - Our Blessings
0139 I Want to Go to Heaven Just Not Right Now - Subject - Spiritual Attitude
0138 Assurances from the Shepherd - Subject - Psalm 23
0137 It is Absolutely True - Subject - Truth
0136 Can Everyone Sing - Subject - Singing in Worship
0135 Fire Hazard - Subject - Hell
0134 Under Pressure - Subject - Christian Example
0133 Are We Too Independent - Subject - Independence Day
0132 Things the Devil Loves - Subject - Worldliness
0131 When I Think I'm Right - Subject - Opinions
0130 It is a Memorial - Subject - Memorial Day - Lord's Supper
0129 Poverty in the Bible - Subject - Benevolence
0128 A Hall of Fame for Mommas - Subject - Mother’s Day
0127 Great IF Statements in the Bible - Subject - Word Study
0126 Satan’s Big Three - Subject - Temptation
0125 What if Christ Did Not Rise - Subject - Resurrection
0124 The Five Best Excuses for Missing Church - Subject - Attendance
0123 Benevolence in the Old Testament - Subject - Benevolence
0122 Oh I Quit - Subject - Positive Attitude
0121 I'll Do It Later - Subject - Procrastination
0120 We All Have Giants to Slay - Subject - Overcoming Temptation
0119 Promises Kept Promises Broken - Subject - Commitment to God
0118 A Friend of God - Subject - Friendship with God
0117 The Problem with Hogs - Subject - Cure for Sin
0116 Things God Wants from Man - Subject - Obedience
0115 A Soft Answer - Subject - Anger Management
0114 No One Came - Subject - Bible Class Attendance
0113 Out of Gas - Subject - Financial Management
0112 Speaking of Life - Subject - Life in the Bible
0111 Who Would You Be - Subject - Self-Evaluation
0110 I Wish Every Day was Christmas - Subject - Benevolence
0109 It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time - Subject - Monuments
0108 Love Demonstrated - Subject - Love in Action
0107 A Loving God Would Never Do That! - Subject - God’s Severity
0106 A Moment of Reflection and Thanks - Subject - Thanksgiving
0105 Killed and Eaten - Subject - Relationships
0104 I Can Be a Christian Without the Church - Subject - The Church
0103 It Happened in the Fall - Subject - Last Hour Conversion
0102 Am I in the Faith? - Subject - Self-examination
0101 A Box Full of Buttons - Subject - Church Members
0100 You Don’t Meme It? - Subject - False Doctrine
099 Are You Worried Yet? - Subject - Worry
098 Boasting in the Bible - Subject - Boasting
097 The Art of Self-denial - Subject - Christian Commitment
096 Reasons Why You Should Comfort Others - Subject - Comfort
095 A God of Mercy & Comfort - Subject - Multiple Choice
094 You Call That Freedom? - Subject - Slaves to Righteousness
093 The Christian’s View of YOLO - Subject - Popular Trends
092 Reaping the Good Things - Subject - Good Works
091 Dedication - Subject - Commitment to God
090 Mothers in the Bible - Subject - Mother’s Day
089 A Great Homecoming - Subject - The Second Coming
088 The Influence of a Father - Subject - Father's Day
087 Thanks Dad - Subject - Father's Day
086 Goody-Too-Shoes - Subject - Compassion for the Lost
085 Is Consistency Important for the Christian - Subject - Consistency
084 The Service Station - Subject - Service to the Family
083 I'll Do it the Old Way - Subject - The Old and New Covenants
082 When God Chooses - Subject - God's Elect
081 Watch Your Step - Subject - Christian Influence
080 A Life Without Standards - Subject - God's Standard
079 Closed on Sunday - Subject - Worship Neglect
078 General Admission - Subject - Christian Giving
077 Thank God for Your Mother - Subject - Mother's Day
076 Should Christians get Tattooed - Subject - Tattoos
075 The Great Imposter - Subject - Fake Christians
074 Successful Visitation – Subject - Visitation Etiquette
073 Eleventh Hour Christians - Subject - Last Minute Obedience
072 More Than You Bargained For - Subject - Discovering Christianity
071 Traveling Notes - Subject - Evangelism
070 The Christian's To-Do List - Subject - Rom 12
069 Bad to the Bone - Subject - Admiring Sinful Behavior
068 Blessings in Christ - Subject - Spiritual Blessings
067 Panic Buying and the Christian - Subject - Greed
066 Only on Easter and Christmas - Subject - Church Attendance
065 What Brand Would Jesus Chew - Subject - Tabaco Use
064 Can I Be Guilt Free - Subject - Guilt
063 Living a Full Life - Subject - Shortness of Life
062 A Good Fishing Trip - Subject - Gospel Obedience
061 Are You Prepared for a Spiritual Storm - Subject - Persecution
060 Why is That Man Smiling - Subject - Optimism
059 Many Faiths - Subject - One Faith
058 You Can’t Buy Your Way In - Subject - Service
057 Should We Strive for Religious Excellence - Subject - Spiritual Maturity
056 Be a Giver Not a Getter - Subject - Giving
055 Its Not My Fault - Subject - Personal Responsibility
054 The Village Idiot - Subject - Good Works
053 Living in a Right-Handed World - Subject - Christian Uniqueness
052 Test Your Bible Knowledge - Subject - Bible Test
051 By Faith - Subject - Faith
050 He Was Like Us - Subject - Jesus
049 Taking Time - Subject - Holiness
048 You’re My Best Friend - Subject - Marriage Relationships
047 The Best of Friends - Subject - Friendship Evangelism
046 The Lost Son - Subject - Children's Lesson
045 Staying Put - Subject - Steadfastness
044 Starting Anew - Subject - New Year Goals
043 The Estate Sale - Subject - Materialism
042 Should I Celebrate Religious Holidays - Subject - Holidays
041 Advice From the Old Book - Subject - Pride
040 Acting Like My Dog - Subject - Christian Character
039 How Much Do I Need - Subject - Materialism
038 The One Another’s - Subject - Love
037 Mind Your Own Business - Subject - Gossip
036 Look Out - Subject - Biblical Warnings
035 A Different Vantage Point - Subject - Viewpoints
034 Investing Yourself - Subject - Spiritual Development
033 To Your Health - Subject - Physical Health
032 The Attack on a Holy Nation - Subject - Satan's Attack
031 Kissing in the Bible - Subject - The Holy Kiss
030 It Seems Right to Me - Subject - Moral Judgement
029 If Only I Had – Subject - Regret
028 I Wonder Why – Subject – Seeking God
027 I Give Up – Subject – Submission to God
026 G0 - Subject - Evangelism
025 Fooling Ourselves - Subject - Self-examination
024 Enjoy Your Liberty - Christian Liberty
023 Don't Let it All Out - Subject - Angry Words
022 Don't Believe Everything You Hear - Subject - Seeking Truth
021 Don't Be Neglectful - Subject - Good Works
020 Don't Be a Fool - Subject - Foolish Behavior
019 Count Your Many Blessings - Subject - God's Blessings
018 The Benefit of Light - Subject - Exposure to Jesus
017 Calm Before the Storm - Subject - Persecution
016 A Great Weapon Against Temptation - Subject - Temptation
015 The Inspector - Subject - Speaking the Truth in Love
014 Here’s Looking at Me - Subject - Self-Examination
013 If It Smells Like a Skunk - Subject - Sin
012 Snakes in the Church - Subject - Sinners
011 Power, Signs, and Lying Wonders - Subject - False Teaching
010 Preserving Unity - Subject - Unity/Division
009 Don't Shoot the Messenger - Subject - Warning
008 The Message of the Cross - Subject - Christ
007 Things About Heaven - Subject - Heaven
006 Where is He - Subject - Wandering Christians
005 A Time of Renewal - Subject - Spring
004 Worship a Rodent -Subject - Ground Hog Day
003 -Article - Growing Conditions -Subject - Spiritual Growth
002 - Are You Thankful for the Church? - Article - Subject - The Church
001 - Proud as a Peacock - Article - Subject - Arrogance